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I am not good at Linear Algebra : ( Can you tell me about Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovász lattice basis reduction algorithm? Add) e=151. This is for make challenge easy.




Before start, let’s make the notations clear.

  • n : RSA modulus

    p,q : two distinct prime factor of n.

  • e : RSA encryption exponent d : RSA decryption exponent

  • dp = d % (p-1)

  • bits : bit length of dp

  • shiftbits = bits//2 - bits//10

  • ct : ciphertext

  • s,x : dp = s << shiftbits + x. i.e., shiftbits-length leaked dp is s and the remainder part is x.

Given values are n,e,ct,s. Of course the objective is getting the plaintext of this RSA encryption.

Modular Arithmetics

Since $ed \equiv 1 \mod ((p-1)(q-1)) $,

\[ed_p \equiv 1 \mod (p-1).\]

Let $ed_p = 1 + (p-1)k $. Then

\[e(s \ll \texttt{shiftbits} + x ) = 1 + (p-1)k\]

Range For bit and shiftbits

We have bit-length of secret which is approximately 6/10 bit-length of dp, which was 614. Therefore bits is either 1023 or 1024.

for bits in range (1010,1030):
	print(bits, bits - (bits//2 - bits//10))
1018 610
1019 611
1020 612
1021 613
1022 613
1023 614 (*)
1024 614 (*)
1025 615
1026 615
1027 616
1028 616

Also note that $ed_p = k (p-1)+1$ and $d_p < p-1 $, so $k\le e=151$. So bound of k and bit-length of dp is reasonable.

Polynomial Modulo p

We now have appropriate range for shiftbits and k to solve

\[e(s \ll \texttt{shiftbits} + x ) -1 + k \equiv 0 \mod p\]

I used small_roots in SageMath to use Coppersmith’s Method to solve above this.

\[s \ll \texttt{shiftbits} + x + (k-1) e^{-1} \equiv 0 \mod N\]

Where $e^{-1}$ is modular inverse of $e$ respect to $N$.

def coppersmith(shiftbits, k):
    F.<x> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(n))
    invE = inverse_mod(e, n)
    f = (s << shiftbits) + x + (k - 1) * invE   # make monic
    x0 = f.small_roots(X=2 ** shiftbits, beta=0.44, epsilon=1/32)
    return x0

Therefore we getdp and also p using $p = \frac {e d_p -1} k +1 $. By processing a simple RSA decryption, I could get a flag.


solve.sage is the full code.

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